Sunday, October 18, 2009


I believe that women wrestlers can serve a purpose. Women wrestling can be an entertaining and profitable part of pro-wrestling as a whole. Women wrestling has just suffered, like lucha libre, from a lack of credible and interesting storylines. It seems like most feds, small and big, are to blame for this. They will start a storyline involving women wrestlers and then drop it like a bad habit and never mention it again. Most of the time, these are angles that look promising if continued with and given proper air time.
Most male fans will tell you that they only watch women wrestling for the sex and the fighting. And the hope that the elusive nipple or breast may slip out of their scanty outfits. I believe that men can still get that without sacrificing worthy angles and worthy wrestling matches between women. I believe women wrestling can be resurrected but not at the expense of the sex sells concept and not at the expense of men's wrestling. It does not have to be a division all unto itself.