Monday, February 1, 2010


The rumored gimmick battle royal at Wrestlemania next week will be amazing if it comes off, attracting the attention of anyone who's had even a passing interest in professional wrestling over the past 20 years. Imagine a current match featuring Sgt. Slaughter, "PS" Michael Hayes, the Iron Shiek, Nikolai Volkoff, the Gobbeldy Gooker, The Bushwackers, and Doink the Clown. It might not be a spotfest or a non-stop brawl, but the nostalgia factor would be incredible.Bad entrance music can stifle the career prospects of a mighty wrestler and great entrance music sometimes makes even a mediocre wrestler iconic. Likewise, great talkers usually trump hulked-up faces and skilled jobbers. Rowdy Roddy Piper, Jake The Snake, and Double A wrestled their whole careers in the shadow of lesser talent and never won the belt.